games i've finished

I added a new list to the side-bar, "Games I Distinctly Recall Finishing"... which seems weird, I know, but I NEVER finish video games (that's obviously an exaggeration, or else the list would be blank)...

anyway, in an effort to uhh ok I don't know why, I have decided to list the ones I can definitely recall finishing (please note that I do not mean I "completed" it... I might not have gone back to get all the little extra awards, or whatever crap certain games had... I simply made it to the end, and beat it)

there are only 2 games in the list right now (HL1 and Halo1), tho I expect to add Lock's Quest (NDS) soon... I always get distracted by some new game, so I never actually finish them... I am working to be better about that, though. If you (by which I mean DP) can recall others that I should have put on the list, please let me know :)


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