my roots are made of grass

Although I have been known to proclaim the heart-felt joys of Podcasts for some time now, I generally do not suggest any particular one (other than suggesting new ones for people already "in the know", on occasion).

I am now making an exception to that.

Brave Men Run, a podiobook by Matthew Wayne Selznick, is the best audiobook I believe I have ever listened to. And, since podiobooks are the best thing to happen to podcasts since XML, I think it's my favorite podcast of all time!

And I've only heard 3 episodes so far!

Basically, I would summarize the story as "it's like x-men...but with real people". It is a novel "of the sovereign era"... the "sovereigns" are basically the "mutants"...humans with extra, or enhanced, abilities. The story revolves around a high-school kid named Nate...and he really seems like a real high-school kid. The story is well written, I can relate to the characters well... I'm definitely enjoying this story!

Check it out yourself!


Hi Jeremy!

It's Matt Selznick, the author of "Brave Men Run." I was just ego-surfing in Technorati and found your great post about the podcast.

I'm so glad you're enjoying it! It made my night to read your post.

Hopefully you've checked out the Forums at I'd love it if you'd sign on and leave some comments there -- and while you're at it, you can read "behind the scenes" annotations for every episode of the podcast to date!

Also, of course, you can find links to buy the print or e-book edition of the book. ;-)

Thanks, again, for your kind words regarding "Brave Men Run." Tell every one you know!

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