
"A NEW CAR!!!!"

So here it is, my new car!  (and by "new", I mean "NEW!")  It's an '09 Ford Fusion, in "tuxedo black" (it might not show up in the pictures, but it sparkles in direct sunlight).  It has a dark grey interior, is quite spacious inside, and came with 6 free months of Sirius satellite radio!  I am quite happy to report that it has an auxiliary audio jack, so I no longer need a cassette adapter to listen to my mp3 player!  And of course, it has power windows, locks, power drivers seat, etc... Take a look for yourself, here it is! :-) And to answer your question: you can see it/ride in it whenever I see you next (whoever happens to be asking).  And no, you can't drive it (at least, not yet).

what did YOU do on monday evening?

me? i got in an accident!  (but both people involved are fine!) for the record, it was totally not my fault (the police even say so), and my car's totaled (just got the semi-official word on that tonight, so not sure on what value they will offer me yet) summary: i was driving down Rt 138 in raynham, and another driver tried to cross over from a side-street on the right, to a gas station on the left.... and didn't see me right in the way, so they nailed the side of my car! so basically, i've spent the week on the phone a million times, and 3 stops at the police station! /me has to go car shopping now!

Photo Importing heaven

So now that my computer is rebuilt and better than ever (tm), I was finally able to empty out the memory card that had been sitting around, waiting for a computer to put the pictures on. However, i realized something, that i had taken for granted before: i used to use Canon ZoomBrowser EX for copying my pictures from the memory card, even after i had lost my canon camera and have been using my wife's sony; ZoomBrowser EX, by default, creates folders based on the date each picture was TAKEN, in the format "YYYY_MM_DD", which is instantly sorted chronologically (unlike "MM_DD_YYYY", which sorts by MONTH and date, but not by year). However, i could no longer find the CD with ZoomBrowser EX on it. (and in truth, it's a kinda slow and bulky program, and i far more enjoy using Google's Picasa 3 for looking at my pictures, plus it has great editing features, like simply red eye removal). So, i went in search of another program to import my pictures from m...

getting in on the graph-making meme...

Click to see the graph I made! (it's kinda lame, but hey i tried) Fine print: Please note that this graph should in no way be taken to indicate the actual, expected, or possible levels of my own personal productivity during holiday seasons, which is just as high then as during the rest of the year.

comments about Pocket Civ

Astute observers (or people who follow me on twitter , or via my twitter rss feed ) saw that I said, back on Monday, that I would be posting a played-once review, that evening, on Pocket Civ. The astute observer would also have noted, I didn't do so! However, it is not because I failed to play... I just haven't finished the game yet! I played for about 30-45 minutes monday evening (my first attempt at the game)... my first few turns were spent flipping back and forth through the rules, and trying to figure out what manner of advancements/actions (very few of which are available at first) would actually progress my civilization (example: my last turn before stopping for the evening, I finally built my first city :-P). I do plan on continuing that game (perhaps tonight), and even after just that bit of time playing, I was starting to get more of a hang of how it was going... my first few turns were all rules-flipping and record-keeping, and not all that fun, but building so...

games i've finished

I added a new list to the side-bar, "Games I Distinctly Recall Finishing"... which seems weird, I know, but I NEVER finish video games (that's obviously an exaggeration, or else the list would be blank)... anyway, in an effort to uhh ok I don't know why, I have decided to list the ones I can definitely recall finishing (please note that I do not mean I "completed" it... I might not have gone back to get all the little extra awards, or whatever crap certain games had... I simply made it to the end, and beat it) there are only 2 games in the list right now (HL1 and Halo1), tho I expect to add Lock's Quest (NDS) soon... I always get distracted by some new game, so I never actually finish them... I am working to be better about that, though. If you (by which I mean DP) can recall others that I should have put on the list, please let me know :)

Dr Horrible is awesome!

Seriously, you need to go watch this! It's free, but only for a limited time! (Acts 1 & 2 are already up, 3 goes up THIS SATURDAY, and then on SUNDAY, JULY 20th, they come down (at midnight). SO GO WATCH, it's super funny and awesome! (and it's by Joss Whedon, which should really be the only reason you need) GO GO GO NOW NOW WATCH IT!