Story: SM-7536: Part 1
SM-7536 Being a full and complete recording of the events related to Study Material 7536 (SM-7536). Beginning in the year 2015 A.D., and extending to include all appropriate time periods and intervals. Record follows. The meteor was first detected by an observatory in Australia, and given a non-memorable designation. It's expected trajectory was to take it past Jupitor, pass “close” to Earth (in solar terms), and then after a hook around the Sun, it would leave our Solar System, never to be seen again. This, of course, did not happen quite as expected. As more and more observatories picked up the watch it, its course seemed to change. It first swung away from Jupiter, as if attempting to avoid its gravity well. Then, it cut violently back across the sky, swung around Jupiter, and hurled away on its new trajectory. This new path would, without any doubts, hurl it directly into Earth. Once news of the impending impact reached the media, the story exploded across the news mediums...